Author: Joanna Pineda

Transforming Data Cleanup into a Strategic Opportunity

BIG changes are here with the release of version 24.1 of MatrixMaxx™, a leading Association Management System (AMS) that helps trade associations and professional societies manage their organizations better, have […]

MatrixMaxx 24.1 Release is Full of Visualizations and Dashboard Enhancements
Posted on May 23, 2024

BIG changes are here with the release of version 24.1 of MatrixMaxx™, a leading Association Management System (AMS) that helps trade associations and professional societies manage their organizations better, have great member journeys, and be higher performing through data.

The past several releases have focused primarily on under-the-hood optimizations and [...]

Celebrating 25 Years of Innovation and Impact: Reflecting on Our Journey
Posted on May 1, 2024

Matrix Group is officially 25 years old today. I say “officially” because May 1 is the date on our incorporation papers, but the real date is April 22, when I opened up shop in shared office space in Georgetown, Washington, DC. If you want to hear stories about when, why and how I started the company, listen to [...]

How to Make Your AMS a Revenue Generator, not a Cost Center
Posted on March 25, 2024

I attend a lot of webinars and conferences about non-dues revenue, including Non Dues-A-Palooza. At all of these events, there are presentations and discussions about new products and new partnerships that associations can invest in and offer to their members.

I realized recently that hardly anyone is talking about AMS (association management system) as [...]

New Year’s Resolutions For Your Website in 2024
Posted on January 2, 2024

It’s the New Year and all of us are bubbling over with resolutions. So many of us resolve to exercise more, be kinder, spend more time with family, and so on. What about our websites? Shouldn’t we have resolutions for making our websites, email, and social media accounts better?

I am a big fan of [...]

Leadership Lessons from the Martial Arts
Posted on June 20, 2023

Google for leadership lessons from the martial arts and you’ll get a jillion posts. Most of them focus on skills you’ll develop from practicing the martial arts. Skills like focus, discipline, respect, confidence, flexibility, etc.

I recently did a webinar for UST Education on just this topic BUT my leadership lessons are ones I [...]

What is the Best Content Management System For an Association Website?
Posted on March 8, 2023

We get a lot of RFP (Requests for Proposals) for association and nonprofit website redesigns. Often, one focus of the RFP is the technology that will power the new website. These RFPs have giant lists of requirements related to how content will be authored, formatted and published. 

We often get asked this question: 

Does Your Organization Need a Podcast?
Posted on February 22, 2023

I love podcasts! I listen to at least one podcast every single day. And yes, I’m a podcaster. I have two podcasts: Associations Thrive is a podcast celebrating successful associations and their leaders and K Drama Chat is a podcast where my co-hosts and I take one Korean Drama (K Drama) each season and recap and [...]

Why Every CEO Needs a Great Microphone
Posted on January 24, 2023

Now that I have a weekly podcast (Associations Thrive, available on all the major podcast networks), I interview CEOs, Executive Directors, and Presidents every single week.

And you know what I’ve realized? Some chief execs have a great microphone or headset with a great microphone, and many do not. For the purposes of my [...]