How We Deliver
Every project starts with a discovery process to help you explore: Who you are trying to reach, what your target audiences need, why this project is important, why this project must be done now, and what success looks like. We’ll help you identify your most important member and customer journeys and then develop a plan to make them amazing.
During implementation, your team will include an experienced project manager who understands your business, designers and front-end developers who will make sure your application or website is gorgeous and user-friendly, back-end developers who are experienced with the latest tech tools.
Our Clients
We’ve helped a variety of organizations in all industries across the country be successful. For over two decades we’ve created powerful, digital experiences for trade associations, professional societies, nonprofits and corporations. How can we serve YOU?
Our Leadership
Matrix Group staff are some of the brightest and most creative minds in the industry, and our leadership has the best job ever: channeling the collective creative genius of our staff to create exceptional experiences for you and your customers. Here are the folks at the helm. LEARN MORE
We’re Hiring
Those who work with us don’t find jobs, they find careers. We have the perks; so does everyone else. What we offer is the opportunity to choose what and who you will become.
Transforming Data Cleanup into a Strategic Opportunity
Upcoming Events & Webinars
MatrixMaxx Q&A Session
Sep 17, 2024 | 11:00 AM – 12:00 PMWant to get the most out of your MatrixMaxx AMS implementation? Bring all of your burning questions about MatrixMaxx features and functionality to our free monthly Q&A session!Cost: Free.orgCommunity Solutions Day 2024: Matrix Group Speaking
Sep 18, 2024 | 9:00 AM – 7:30 PMCost: $99-895Building the CEO AI Playbook: How AI will Power Your Association into the Future
Sep 18, 2024 | 12:00 PM – 2:00 PMCost: $