Category: Association Management Software

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Why New Member Onboarding is So Critical to the Member Journey

Imagine this. A person (or company) has made the decision to join your organization. What happens afterward? Does she get a giant welcome packet that she won’t read? Does the […]

GDPR: Do You Really Want to be Forgotten?
Posted on July 17, 2018
Guest post by Tanya Kennedy Luminati, MatrixMaxx Product Manager We’re almost two months past the GDPR deadline, and we’re all still alive! (Well, mostly.) Just because the deadline has come and passed […]
What’s Your Membership Experience?
Posted on May 22, 2013
I’ve blogged in the past about Vistage, the CEO membership organization that I’ve been a member of for five years. I was talking with a Vistage VP a few weeks […]