Evolve Your Website.
If the idea of a full website redesign scares you, why not consider evolving your website instead? Here at Matrix Group, we tackle a section or feature of our website every quarter. We might redesign just one page, redo a form, or update the language on a bunch of pages. Last year, we:
- Updated my blog home page
- Updated our Contact Us form
- Redesigned our Recent Projects page
- Updated our presentation template
- Refreshed our About Matrix Group blurb, and
- Changed our webinars to have co-presenters from outside the company.
Because we tackled these initiatives in pieces, it didn’t kill us and we got a lot done.
Tidy Your Website Content.
If you’re friends with me on Facebook, you know that two years ago, my husband and I read “The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up” by Marie Kondo. If you haven’t read the book, watch the show on Netflix. And this year, resolve to declutter your website so that only the content that will spark joy in your members and customers will be on your site AND your search will work better.
Look at Your Analytics!
I know, seems obvious, but many organizations don’t look at their analytics regularly. If you don’t, how do you know what content is connecting with your audiences? To get started, just do these three things:
- Look at your analytics once a week
- Never, ever send out a link without Google UTM codes so that traffic on your site can be attributed to your campaigns
- Put in annotations and note when you send out mass emails, mailed out your magazine, or ran an AdWords campaign.
Get Started with Marketing Automation.
Marketing automation refers to software and technologies that automate the often repetitive tasks involved in cultivating prospective and current customers and members, and do it in a way that allows for personalization based on time, an individual’s demographics, and/or an individual’s actions. Marketing automation can be used to create personalized members journeys via email and on the web for new members, new primary contacts, prospective members, etc. If you’re not already using marketing automation in your organization, make this the year you explore how it can benefit you.
Revamp Your Content.
If your content strategy hasn’t changed in the last decade or even half decade, it’s time for an overhaul. Your customers are mobile, they are time constrained, they are busy, they are distracted, and what you’re offering is probably available for free somewhere on the web. Take one thing and redo it. Change the format of your webinars, rethink your e-newsletter strategy, convert text to video, consider a nano learning format, get rid of your paper directory.
2019 is the year to test new ideas, be bold, and learn. What are YOU going to do differently in 2019?