- Japanese toilet – I’ve asked Santa for a Japanese toilet this year. Japanese toilets have heated seats, front and back sprays (heated, too), blow dryers, and even music. I cannot understand why they are not more popular here in the US!
- XO laptop – The OLPC (one laptop per child) movement works like this: $400 pays for one laptop for you and one for a child in a developing country. The laptop has a nice screen, terrific software for kids, and it’s virtually kid-proof (love the sealed keyboard).
- Nerf Vulcan Automatic Heavy Blaster – This is the biggest, baddest, Nerf gun ever.
- Yoda Star Wars Force FX Lightsaber – Harout got one and it looks, sounds and feels like the real thing; love the lightsaber hum!
- If you’re on the Dark side of the Force, you’ll love the Darth Maul double-sided lightsaber.
- Drobo storage device – This is a nifty storage device that lets you add drives as you need them; Maki loves the online calculator.
- Eden, the latest game from Pixel Junk for the PS3 – You’ll jump and swing through beautiful gardens; there’s no shooting in this game, but you’ll have to know your geometry and physics.
- iHome alarm clock – Works with your iPod, nuff said.
- Garmin and TomTom GPS systems; Maria added a free voice to her Tom Tom – Angus, the Scot – which makes getting directions super fun. You can also get Darth Vader, John Cleese and other famous voices.
- Broken image necklace – Yep, it’s a necklace with an image of a broken image on a Web page; perfect for the Web designer in your life.
- Clocky Robotic Alarm – This is for the person in your life who hates getting up, um, for the person who can’t get up in the morning.
- Core Memory: A Visual Survey of Vintage Computers – Coffee table book with pretty pictures of old hardware.
- Ubuntu mug – For the true Linux fan in your life (fyi, Ubuntu is a Linux distribution).
- USB turntable – Hard core music lovers love vinyl records, right?
- Wii Fit – We got one a few months ago and love it; I love the cheeky reminders to keep moving. I’m a Super Hula Hoop fan!
- Leapfrog Tag Reading System – CJ is getting one; he’ll love using the special pen to read the special books.
- Celestron SkyScout Personal Planetarium – This device lets you point at a constellation or planet and it will tell you what you’re looking at; works well only if you can see the stars.
How about you? What are your favorite tech gifts this season? What are you hoping Santa will give you?
3 replies on “Matrix Group’s Favorite Tech Gifts This Holiday Season”
Interesting list, something that didn’t make it but has made it on many other similar blogs are those digital photo frames, here’s a little video about them. http://www.sitonsantaslap.com/?utm_source=bc
I so badly want a gift certificate to ThinkGeek! That would be the best holiday ever! Great list, Joanna ^_^
was searching “leapfrog”,saw your “season gift” information ,great information on “leapster game”. unfortunately the Christmas season is pver
I add to my favorite page