Episode 60 • 10/05/2023

Rich Yep, Interim CEO of SWANA, on CEO Skills and Board Assessments

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What does it take to be an association CEO these days? When was the last time your organization performed an assessment of your board and board members?

In this episode of Associations Thrive, host Joanna Pineda interviews Richard Yep, Interim Executive Director/CEO, The Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA). Rich discusses:

  • When and how a chief executive should decide that it’s time to leave an association.
  • The skills and experiences that association chief executives need, that are relevant to the job, regardless of industry or profession.
  • How to get to know an association and its members fast, especially when you’re an interim CEO.
  • The importance of doing an annual assessment of the Board and each Board member.
  • The increased attention being paid to DEI when looking for association staff and board members.
  • How everyone at an organization – staff and volunteers – should get unconscious bias training.
  • How CEOs need to check their egos at the door when working with appointed and elected boards.
  • The value of getting the CAE (Certified Association Executive) designation.
  • What’s next for Rich – consulting, travel, and so much more!


About Richard Yep

About The Solid Waste Association of North America

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About Associations Thrive

Associations Thrive podcast is hosted by Joanna Pineda, CEO & Chief Troublemaker at Matrix Group International. Joanna’s personal mission and the mission of Matrix Group is to help associations and nonprofits increase membership, generate revenue and thrive in the digital space. 

We believe that every association has a unique mission and unique story that demonstrates how they’re serving their members, impacting their industry, and ultimately changing the world. Every guest is an association Chief Executive, Executive Director or President. We’re here to help amplify their stories so all associations can learn and thrive, together.

If you and your organization have a great story,  apply to be on Associations Thrive!