Make your site responsive. If your site isn’t already responsive, resolve to redesign your website or create responsive templates. Know that more and more of your readers are coming from mobile device and more will come if you make your site mobile-friendly.
Go visual. All the research shows that web pages with images and video get more views and generate more time on site. Facebook favors posts with images. YouTube is the #2 search engine. The world is favoring visualizations.
Add a new platform to your communications strategy. With the proliferation of new communications and social media platforms, it’s a good time assess your strategy and see if you should add a new platform. Yes, you must have the business case and the resources to be successful.
Be on Google+. Google’s social strategy is struggling. So it’s favoring Google+ posts in its search results. If you’re not already on Google+, it’s time. You’ll reach a largely male, techie audience that is usually worth attracting.
Look at your Google Analytics reports. I’m amazed at how many organizations do NOT make a habit of looking at their analytics. Yes, traffic reports don’t tell the whole story, but they don’t lie. Your usage reports will tell you what people are doing and viewing on your site, and, more importantly, you should be measuring campaign conversions so you can figure out which platforms to invest the most time in.
Develop an editorial calendar. This is the only way to ensure you have good, quality content posted on a regular basis to your website, e-newsletters, and social media pages. Good content will boost your search engine ranking. A calendar will eliminate some of the struggles associated with generating good content.
Back up to the cloud. Because it’s easy, convenient and inexpensive. Because it means you have access to your “stuff” from anywhere. And because it’s a terrific disaster-recovery tool.
Secure your mobile devices. The stats on the number of phones and tablets that get lost and stolen each year are staggering. Be sure to use a PIN on your device and install “Where’s my iPhone/Android?” so that can remotely erase your data. And if you’re backed up to the cloud, you can easily restore all of your information and services to your new device.
Use a password manager. Still using sticky notes or Excel to manage password? Still using the same password across sites? Security breaches are becoming more frequent and affecting more people. Limit your exposure by using KeePass or LastPass to manage your strong passwords. And NEVER use the same password on multiple sites. Otherwise, you’re just asking the hacker who breached x retailer site to access your Amazon, Apple or Schwab account.
Audit your privacy filters on social networks. I make a habit of auditing my privacy settings on Facebook, Google+ and other platforms on a regular basis. You probably don’t want the world accessing photos of your baby or your boss checking out your rants.
There you have it. My Top 10 tech resolutions for 2014. What are YOUR resolutions?
One reply on “Top Tech Resolutions for 2014”
If individuals are unsure about the tech resolutions mentioned, it would behove you to pick two or three of these resolutions and learn a little more about what they mean and how it can affect your organization, stakeholders, customers or clients. This is especially true for decision makers who may not be as tech savvy.