The One Thing You Can Do Now to Protect Your Website From Hackers – Create a Strong Password

by Joanna Pineda Posted on January 4, 2018

A couple of weeks ago, there was a lot of news about a massive brute force attack against WordPress sites to install Minero Miner, Minero is a javascript Crypto miner. The attack used information from the site, like the domain name, common logins and common passwords, to try and gain access to the site.

Let me say this again. The attack used common logins and password to gain access. This means the attack basically used a whole lot of computers to try and guess credentials. And guess what? If a site uses “admin” and “password123” as the credentials, it was compromised in about five seconds, probably less.

So this is my regular please to please, please use strong passwords and don’t reuse passwords. What’s a strong password? My tips are below:

Want to learn more about passwords? I like these articles:

Make it one of your 2018 resolutions to replace your passwords with strong ones NOW!


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