Matrix Group has been a long time partner of the world’s oldest and largest nonprofit membership organization of police leaders, the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) who decided to launch an online clearinghouse of information and free resources to help members develop or enhance their agencies’ use of social media and integrate the tools into their daily operations. To create this online resource center, IACP turned to Matrix Group. Matrix Group collaborated with IACP staff on a new website, using the agency’s user-focused methodology to develop and implement the strategy around the website.
Matrix Group:
- Developed a user-friendly navigation with a clear understanding of the users’ motivations and behaviors. Matrix Group considered all types of users for this website, from beginners to more experienced users. The topic-based navigation directs visitors clearly to specific areas of the website based on their needs.
- Created and integrated an online directory of law enforcement agencies that use social media, including the URLs of agencies’ social media pages and blogs. This directory not only showcases the work that the various agencies are doing, but it also helps members develop their own social networking strategies, policies, etc. Members can now browse or search the directory, and view other agencies Facebook pages, Twitter profiles, blogs, etc.
- Created a catalog of resources, templates, case studies related to law enforcement use of social media. The new website is a “one stop shop” where chiefs and officers can find examples of social networking policies and strategies, download guides and fact sheets on how to create profiles on social networking sites, and read case studies about how other agencies are including social networking in their work.
View the International Association of Chiefs of Police – Social Media Website.