The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Your Website: Part I

by Joanna Pineda Posted on March 15, 2018

Last year, my husband and I read Marie Kondo’s “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing. To say this book was life changing isn’t an exaggeration. Besieged by clutter, we went about decluttering our books, clothes, papers, kitchen accessories, and on and on. We gave away over 1,000 books, I donated 60% of my closet, we shredded mounds of paper, and we can finally see the floor in our garage. Are we done? Absolutely not! But I’m not overwhelmed by the clutter, the master bedroom is a sea of calm, and I love everything in my closet.

Like closets and homes, websites need regular tidying as well. If you hear this from your members, “I can’t find anything on your website” or “I can’t find what I”m looking for because I get too many search results,” it’s time to tidy.

Why The Clutter?

First, let’s examine why our websites have become the equivalent of cluttered homes and self-storage units. This is what I hear from my clients:

What Members Really Want

And yet, in interview after interview with members, this is what we hear:

Take the First Step Toward Tidying: What Are People Trying to Do On Your Website?

This blog post is NOT about the art and science of information architecture. I can go on for day about that. This blog post IS about decluttering. If you want your website to be high performing, ask yourself questions like these:

Over the past year, Matrix Group has completed about a dozen website redesigns. In almost all cases, the client, after reviewing the content inventory, looking at the analytics and discussing content strategy, ditched more than half of their old content. Tidying made content migration easier and less expensive, the information architecture is more streamlined, and site search is more effective.

In the next blog post, I’ll talk about love. What’s love got to with your website and clutter? Stay tuned.

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