Episode 114 • 10/31/2024

Kenny Mendez, President & CEO of AAFA, on Fly Fishing, Asthma Capitals, and his Filipino Heritage

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In honor of Filipino-American History Month, Joanna Pineda invites Kenneth Mendez, President & CEO of the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, on to the Associations Thrive podcast. Kenny discusses:

  • How his family’s struggles with asthma and severe food allergies influenced his career transition into healthcare and his eventual role at AAFA.
  • How climate change has worsened allergy seasons, leading to longer and more intense pollen seasons, causing an increase in allergies and asthma cases.
  • How he uses business skills developed from corporate roles at Disney and Wall Street to run a mission-driven organization.
  • His Filipino heritage and the values his parents instilled in him, such as a focus on education, family, and  loyalty. 
  • Why Filipino Americans should consider careers in nonprofits. The culture of giving and service in Filipino communities aligns well with the mission-driven work of nonprofits.
  • How Black Americans are disproportionately affected by asthma mortality and emergency room visits. Despite advances in asthma treatments, these disparities have remained unchanged.
  • How AAFA’s “Asthma Capitals” research shows that cities in the Northeast and Midwest are particularly affected by poor air quality, making asthma more prevalent.
  • AAFA’s HEAL program, which involves partnering with community-based asthma programs to improve asthma outcomes.
  • How AAFA advocates for federal and state-level policies, such as funding for the CDC’s National Asthma Control Program, and legislation to improve asthma and allergy care in schools and communities.
  • AAFA’s role in getting sesame recognized as a major allergen in the U.S.
  • AAFA’s free online community, which offers support, medical advice, and access to a network of individuals managing asthma and allergies.


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About Associations Thrive

Associations Thrive podcast is hosted by Joanna Pineda, CEO & Chief Troublemaker at Matrix Group International. Joanna’s personal mission and the mission of Matrix Group is to help associations and nonprofits increase membership, generate revenue and thrive in the digital space. 

We believe that every association has a unique mission and unique story that demonstrates how they’re serving their members, impacting their industry, and ultimately changing the world. Every guest is an association Chief Executive, Executive Director or President. We’re here to help amplify their stories so all associations can learn and thrive, together.

If you and your organization have a great story,  apply to be on Associations Thrive!