Is it Easy to Do Business With Your Company?

by Joanna Pineda Posted on February 3, 2010

Two figures shaking hands I was arranging lunch with a vendor and suggested Kora, the hip, new Italian restaurant in Crystal City.  I wanted to e-mail my contact Kora’s address, phone number and a link to a Google map.  Alas, the entire Kora site is in Flash, which is beautiful, but it’s not very user-friendly.  The biggest problem?  I can’t copy and paste the contact info to include in an e-mail and  paste into Google Maps.  I know, I know, it’ s not a big deal to retype the address, but I’m a picky consumer.  I want to be able to copy and paste easily.  Even better, I’d love a way to share the address page or just click on a map.

This got me to thinking.  What are all the ways, big and little, that we make it difficult for our customers and potential customers to do business with us? Consider these examples.

The lessons for all of us who sell products or services?

As a CEO, I’m always on the lookout for ways to make it easier to say “yes” to Matrix Group.  We sometimes stumble, but for me, the important thing is to constantly look for ways to make life better for Matrix Group clients.

How about you?  What site or retailer do you love to do business with and why?  And who makes it impossible to do business with them?  Got any horror stories?

3 replies on “Is it Easy to Do Business With Your Company?”

Excellent post, Joanna, with great examples of “duh” mistakes.
My wife needed to call about an issue with our American Express credit card. I was driving, she picked up her cell phone to call the number on the back: “1-888-blue-741”. Ever try to translate b-l-u-e into the corresponding numerals on your cell phone’s numerals-only keypad? Frustrating. After a few failed attempts at drawing out the entire “historical” keypad on paper, she called successfully, got things straightened out and asked the operator to pass on the suggestion that using numerals is better with so many cell phones in use in this “modern age”. The operator thought it a good idea, too.

Here’s an idea. What if marketing communications people pretended to be consumers and actually tried out the instructions they just drafted — in typical, real life situations. They might notice that toll-free numbers like 1-800-GET-REAL may look cool, appear to be easier to remember, but a tedious to hunt and peck out on a traditional keypad – not to mention near impossible on the ubiquitous cell phone keypad. (Hey, was I just on a rant or something?)

Great points. One of the things I loved about reading this post, Joanna, is that almost every one of those things has happened to me (including Lowell’s example). 😉

It’s time we all took a close look at what we’re doing to get in our own way — those things that are making it difficult for people to do business with us. Thanks for sharing.

Lowell, the same thing has happened to me! There aren’t little letters on the numbers of my cell phone, so I’m always dead in the water from my car. Oh well, another good reason to quit making calls from the car and just listen to the radio. 🙂 Thanks for the comment!

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